Amazing:nitinol for medical applications

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Nitinol alloy used for medical

The application of memory alloys in medical applications is also very compelling. For example, the bone plate for bone joining can not only fix the two segments of the broken bone, but also generate a compressive force during the restoration of the original shape, forcing the broken bones to join together. The orthodontic wire for dental use, the long clip for ligating cerebral aneurysms and vas deferens, and the support plate for spinal straightening are all activated by the action of body temperature after implantation in the human body. The thrombus filter is also a new memory alloy product. . Once the straightened filter is implanted into the vein, it gradually reverts to a mesh, preventing 95% of the clots from flowing to the heart and lungs.


The artificial heart is a more complex organ. The muscle fibers made of memory alloy cooperate with the ventricle of the elastomeric membrane to mimic the contraction of the ventricle. Pumping water has now been successful.